Marine & Bunker Fuel

Product Offering

Sprague is the preferred supplier for premier marinas on the East Coast, with prompt 7-day per week delivery service during the busy summer boating season. For your convenience, we offer automatic delivery through electronic tank monitoring—delivering marine fuel before you realize you’re running low. You’ll also have 24/7 access to all of your fuel transactions through our SpraguePort® web portal—where you can download critical data into spreadsheets for effortless record-keeping and accounting.

SeaForce™ Premium Marine Fuel

Keep your marine engine running smoothly & efficiently with SeaForce™

Sprague is proud to offer SeaForce™ premium marine diesel and gasoline to improve engine octane performance and support fuel economy. It is specially formulated to clean up fuel system deposits. For your convenience, we offer automatic delivery through electronic tank monitoring - delivering marine fuel before you realize you’re running low.

Benefits of SeaForce™:

  • ​Cleans up fuel injectors, carburetors, and combustion chambers
  • Provides superior fuel system corrosion protection
  • Helps prevent bacteria growth and ethanol-related problems
  • Reduces harmful exhaust emissions and fuel consumption
  • Stabilizes fuel to extend the shelf life for up to one year or more

ValvTect® Marine Gasoline

Marine engines face challenging environments and operate at much higher RPMs than traditional vehicle engines—consuming 10x more fuel per hour. Sprague is proud to offer you ValvTect® marine gasoline, which is designed specifically for marine engines. It gives your customers a smart alternative to ethanol-blended gasoline, which is susceptible to phase separation and causes corrosion. With ValvTect®, you’ll save your customers time and money—giving them more reasons to purchase marine fuel from you.

Compared with automotive gasoline, ValvTect® offers these significant advantages:

  • Stabilized for up to 1 year
  • Contains extra moisture dispersants
  • Cleans-up fuel injector deposits
  • Cleans-up combustion chamber deposits
  • Reduces harmful exhaust emissions
  • Improves power and performance
  • Improves fuel economy

ValvTect® Marine Diesel

We know marine engines face extraordinarily challenging environments. That’s why Sprague is proud to offer the ValvTect® marine diesel brand. ValvTect® diesel is specifically designed to counteract the challenges found in low and ultra-low sulfur diesel (ULSD) fuels—increasing lubricity, reducing moisture levels, remaining stable for up to a year, combating bacterial growth and dramatically reducing filter plugging. Increased lubrication also protects injector and fuel pump wear—further protecting equipment.

ValvTect® with BioGuard® eliminates the need for additional fuel additives to protect marine engines, so there’s no risk of improper additive use—saving you and your customers time and money.

Compared to traditional commercial diesel, ValvTect® marine diesel fuel offers significant advantages:

  • Contains BioGuard® micro-biocide
  • Free of bacteria and algae
  • Stabilized for up to one year
  • Contains extra moisture dispersants
  • Prevents sludge and plugged fuel filters
  • Cleans-up fuel injector deposits
  • Contains extra lubricity improvers
  • Improves power, performance and fuel economy
Salem is a historic coastal city in Essex County, Massachusetts located in the North Shore region.

Become a ValvTect® Marina & Help Your Boaters Save!

Engineered for Boaters, Designed for Perfomance

ValvTect® is offering a 10¢ per gallon rebate on its marine fuel — available now! This is a great opportunity to provide your boaters with premium fuel and extra savings.​​​​​

Help your customers save time and money while keeping their engines running at peak performance all season long.

The rebate applies to purchases made between March 1, 2025 - September 4, 2025.

*Minimum of 300 gallons required.


“I am a Sea Ray Owner ... I only stop at marinas that have ValvTect. I believe in the product because I have no fuel-related problems.”

- Gordon Doornbos, Happy ValvTect Boater

“Whenever I travel for fishing tournaments I always call around the area to make sure that I can find a marina with ValvTect. Thanks for the great product, I will never trust a different brand in my boat!!!“

- Charlie Berg, Consumer

“... the filters were as clean when they took them out as they were when they put them in. ValvTect makes me a very happy camper!“

- David Hedlin, Sea Ray ‘44 BaGull

Bunker Fuels

Sprague supplies bunker fuels of various grades at the following locations:

Sprague can also supply additional ports throughout New England from tankers down to commercial tugs and private yachts.

Your Partner in Energy

As an independent wholesale fuel supplier, we understand the importance of working with you to ensure ample supply and pricing programs that are right for your business. Our local account managers offer straightforward and cost efficient price management programs for businesses using market insights, historical analysis, and a deep understanding of economic conditions. Contact us today to see how we can make a difference for your business.

Please note: At this time, Sprague serves businesses only.