Recap: The oil market on Thursday traded higher after reversing its previous losses in what appeared to be a technical rebound. On the opening, the market sold off sharply by […]
Recap: The oil market on Thursday traded higher after reversing its previous losses in what appeared to be a technical rebound. On the opening, the market sold off sharply by […]
Wednesday, May 3rd saw the front-month NYMEX Natural Gas Futures Contract open at $2.181, three cents below Tuesday’s closing price of $2.214. Reaching the intraday high of $2.192 by 9:15AM, […]
Recap: On Wednesday, the oil market extended its sharp losses seen on Tuesday, as traders remained concerned about the economy as the Fed raised interest rates. In overnight trading, the […]
Tuesday, May 2nd saw the front-month NYMEX Natural Gas Futures Contract open at $2.257, six cents below Monday’s closing price of $2.318. Recording the intraday high of $2.262 within minutes […]
Recap: The oil market sold off sharply on Tuesday on concerns over the economy amid discussions on ways to avoid a debt default and ahead of the Fed’s expected U.S. […]
Monday, May 1st saw the front-month NYMEX Natural Gas Futures Contract open at $2.363, five cents below Friday’s closing price of $2.410. Recording the intraday high of $2.394 by 9:15AM, […]
Recap: The oil market posted an inside trading day on Monday as traders weighed the impact of the Federal Reserve potentially raising interest rates and weaker Chinese manufacturing data against […]
Friday, April 28th saw the front-month NYMEX Natural Gas Futures Contract open at $2.465, twenty-one cents above Thursday’s closing price of $2.355. Spiking to a six-week intraday high of $2.503 […]
Recap: The oil market rallied higher on Friday and settled in positive territory, while it posted a weekly decline for a second consecutive week after U.S. economic data and uncertainty […]