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The Crude Market Posted an Outside Trading Day and Ended the Week 2.36% Lower as the Geopolitical Risk Premium Dissipated

By spragueoperati | November 6, 2023 | 0 Comments

Recap:  The crude market posted an outside trading day and ended the week 2.36% lower as the geopolitical risk premium dissipated. Early on Friday, the market continued to trend higher […]

December NYMEX Natural Gas Futures Contract Closed at $3.472 on Thursday, November 2nd

By spragueoperati | November 3, 2023 | 0 Comments

Thursday, November 2nd saw the front-month NYMEX Natural Gas Futures Contract open at $3.428, nearly seven cents below Wednesday’s closing price of $3.494. Trading near $3.430 heading into 10:00AM, prices […]

The Oil Market Broke a Three-Day Losing Streak and Settled in Positive Territory

By spragueoperati | November 3, 2023 | 0 Comments

Recap:  The oil market broke a three-day losing streak and settled in positive territory after it retraced its earlier losses. Early in the session, the market traded over the $82 […]

December NYMEX Natural Gas Futures Contract Closed at $3.494 on Wednesday, November 1st

By spragueoperati | November 2, 2023 | 0 Comments

Wednesday, November 1st saw the front-month NYMEX Natural Gas Futures Contract open at $3.449, nearly thirteen cents below Tuesday’s closing price of $3.575. Losing ground overnight, as traders are keeping […]

The Market Traded Lower in Overnight Trading as the Israel-Hamas Conflict Remained Contained

By spragueoperati | November 2, 2023 | 0 Comments

Recap:  The oil market posted an outside trading day on Wednesday, when it gave up its early gains and extended its losses into a third consecutive session. The market traded […]

December NYMEX Natural Gas Futures Contract Closed at $3.575 on Tuesday, October 31st

By spragueoperati | November 1, 2023 | 0 Comments

Tuesday, October 31st saw the front-month NYMEX Natural Gas Futures Contract open at $3.417, six cents above Monday’s closing price of $3.352. Dipping to the intraday low of $3.415 out […]

The Oil Market Traded Lower as it Positioned Itself Ahead of the Weekly Petroleum Stock Reports

By spragueoperati | November 1, 2023 | 0 Comments

Recap:   The oil market traded lower as it positioned itself ahead of the weekly petroleum stock reports and the outcome of the Federal Reserve meeting on Wednesday. The market was […]

December NYMEX Natural Gas Futures Contract Closed at $3.352 on Monday, October 30th

By spragueoperati | October 31, 2023 | 0 Comments

Monday, October 30th saw the front-month NYMEX Natural Gas Futures Contract open at $3.347, nearly fourteen cents below Friday’s closing price of $3.483. Knocked down by updated weather forecasts shedding […]

The Oil Market Fell on Monday with Fears Easing About the Israel-Hamas War Disrupting Supply

By spragueoperati | October 31, 2023 | 0 Comments

Recap:  The oil market fell on Monday with fears easing about the Israel-Hamas war disrupting supply. While the war between Israel and Hamas intensified with Israeli troops and tanks attacking […]

December NYMEX Natural Gas Futures Contract Closed at $3.483 on Friday, October 27th

By spragueoperati | October 30, 2023 | 0 Comments

Friday, October 27th saw the November NYMEX Natural Gas Futures Contract settle at $3.164, five cents below Thursday’s closing price of $3.214. The more actively traded December Contract opened at […]