Recap: The crude market continued on its upward trend on Tuesday, retracing more of last week’s sharp losses after the IEA increased its demand growth forecasts and the U.S. dollar […]
Monday, November 13th saw the front-month NYMEX Natural Gas Futures Contract open at $3.156, twelve cents above Friday’s closing price of $3.033. Continuing the pre-session rally, prices rose to $3.193 […]
Recap: The crude market on Monday continued to retrace last week’s losses after OPEC issued a report that countered concerns over declining demand in the U.S. and China. In its […]
Friday, November 10th saw the front-month NYMEX Natural Gas Futures Contract open at $3.054, a penny above Thursday’s closing price of $3.041. Ascending to the intraday high of $3.077 by […]
Recap: The crude market traded higher on Friday, as traders sought buying opportunities after the market fell to its lowest levels since July earlier this week. The crude market posted […]
Thursday, November 9th saw the front-month NYMEX Natural Gas Futures Contract open at $3.128, two cents above Wednesday’s closing price of $3.106. Marking the intraday high of $3.130 within minutes […]
Recap: The oil market on Thursday retraced some of its previous losses and posted an inside trading day. The market, which lost about 7% in the previous two sessions, bounced […]
Wednesday, November 8th saw the front-month NYMEX Natural Gas Futures Contract open at $3.096, four cents below Tuesday’s closing price of $3.140. Similar to the previous sessions, prices rose to […]
Recap: The oil market continued on its downward trend on Wednesday and settled down for the second consecutive session on concerns over declining demand in the U.S. and China. The […]
Tuesday, November 7th saw the front-month NYMEX Natural Gas Futures Contract open at $3.161, ten cents below Monday’s closing price of $3.264. Falling to an intraday low of $3.099 at […]