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Coen Energy now part of Sprague’s website!

Par spragueoperati | janvier 11, 2019 | Commentaires fermés sur Coen Energy now part of Sprague’s website!

We've made another step in bringing Coen Energy (Coen)into the Sprague family.  Coen offerings are now included on, meaning our customers can access all of Sprague's services in one […]

February NYMEX Natural Gas Futures Contracts Closed at $2.984 on Wednesday, January 9th

Par spragueoperati | janvier 10, 2019 | Commentaires fermés sur February NYMEX Natural Gas Futures Contracts Closed at $2.984 on Wednesday, January 9th

Wednesday, January 9th saw the front-month NYMEX Natural Gas Futures Contracts open at $2.963, nearly even to Tuesday’s closing price of $2.967.  Seesawing within a tight band near $2.960 through […]

Oil prices increased for the 8th straight session

Par spragueoperati | janvier 10, 2019 | Commentaires fermés sur Oil prices increased for the 8th straight session

Recap: Continued optimism over trade talks between the U.S. and China, combined with a larger than expected fall in U.S. crude oil inventories and a drop of 630,000 in OPEC […]

Oil prices were supported by hopes of positive trade talks between the U.S. and China

Par spragueoperati | janvier 9, 2019 | Commentaires fermés sur Oil prices were supported by hopes of positive trade talks between the U.S. and China

Recap: Oil prices continued to rise on Tuesday, supported by hopes of positive trade talks between the U.S. and China. February WTI increased 2.9 percent to $49.95 a barrel, the […]

February NYMEX Natural Gas Futures Contracts Closed at $2.967 on Tuesday, January 8th

Par spragueoperati | janvier 9, 2019 | Commentaires fermés sur February NYMEX Natural Gas Futures Contracts Closed at $2.967 on Tuesday, January 8th

Tuesday, January 8th saw the front-month NYMEX Natural Gas Futures Contracts open at $2.999, nearly six cents above Monday’s closing price of $2.944.  The contract seesawed along either side of […]

Regulatory Matters – Fourth Quarter 2018

Par spragueoperati | janvier 9, 2019 | Commentaires fermés sur Regulatory Matters – Fourth Quarter 2018

Sprague Regulatory Matters is provided as a courtesy to our customers. Please note that the information contained in Sprague Regulatory Matters is for informational purposes only and should not be […]

February NYMEX Natural Gas Futures Contracts Closed at $2.944 on Monday, January 7th

Par spragueoperati | janvier 8, 2019 | Commentaires fermés sur February NYMEX Natural Gas Futures Contracts Closed at $2.944 on Monday, January 7th

Monday, January 7th saw the front-month NYMEX Natural Gas Futures Contracts open at $2.958, nearly nine cents below Friday’s closing price of $3.044.  Experiencing volatility early on, prices fell to […]

Sources within OPEC said Saudi Arabia plans to cut crude oil exports

Par spragueoperati | janvier 8, 2019 | Commentaires fermés sur Sources within OPEC said Saudi Arabia plans to cut crude oil exports

Recap: Crude oil prices rose on Monday as hopeful trade talks between China and the U.S. got under way and after sources within OPEC said Saudi Arabia plans to cut […]

February NYMEX Natural Gas Futures Contracts Closed at $3.044 on Friday, January 4th

Par spragueoperati | janvier 7, 2019 | Commentaires fermés sur February NYMEX Natural Gas Futures Contracts Closed at $3.044 on Friday, January 4th

Friday, January 4th saw the front-month NYMEX Natural Gas Futures Contracts open at $3.026, eight cents above Thursday’s closing price of $2.945.  Prices sank lower as trading began, finding support […]

Oil prices posted their first weekly gain in four weeks

Par spragueoperati | janvier 7, 2019 | Commentaires fermés sur Oil prices posted their first weekly gain in four weeks

Recap: Oil prices posted their first weekly gain in four weeks as proposed trade talks set for next week between the U.S. and Coil futures WTI rose to their highest […]