What is Biofuel and Why is it Important?

Biofuel is an alternative fuel sourced from renewable feedstocks inciStock-1129110491-holding-glass-earth.jpgluding soybeans, animal fats, and used cooking oil. In other words, biofuel is made from biomass, which makes it an organic renewable energy source. The conversion is a multistep process that involves biological and chemical deconstruction. Mixing biofuel together with ultra-low sulfur heating oil gives you Bioheat® fuel, an eco-friendlier alternative to traditional heating oil and natural gas. Learn more about common types of biofuels and watch the Energy 101 Video: Biofuels to see how it’s used today!

As of mid-2022, in the northeast, New York, Rhode Island and Connecticut all require a minimum blend of 5 percent biofuel into heating oil sold. The expectation is for the biofuel blend percentage to continue to increase to help reduce carbon emissions – with an industry goal of net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.

Since the need for higher bio blends seems to be increasing with each passing year, we have compiled a list of the top five benefits of adding biofuel to your heating oil to help homeowners understand the benefits of making the switch.

Learn how biofuel blends can help reduce carbon emissions and is optimized to deliver more efficiency with every gallon, by visiting spragueenergy.com/bio-fuel or mybioheat.com.

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