Five Strategies that Successful Businesses Use to Manage Their Fleet

Fleet management is typically defined as the acquisition, maintenance, safety, budgeting, and monitoring of a group of vehicles. Fleet management is crucial for protecting drivers and vehicles and enhancing a business’s bottom line. While companies may use various methods to manage their fleet, here are five key strategies that successful organizations use:

1. Stay Ahead of Routine Maintenance

To successfully manage a fleet, a company needs a system for routine maintenance. The most successful businesses ensure that they track the lifecycle of their trucks and repair them well before the manufacturer requires them. Tracking lifecycle management, which focuses on maximizing the value of a vehicle from the time of acquisition to the eventual disposal, is another key component of keeping fleet maintenance up to date. Companies that track the age and wear of the tires, engine, steering suspension and more are often the most successful at staying ahead of maintenance down the line. Tracking individual wear on parts as well as Preventative Maintenance Inspections, PMIs, helps to ensure your fleet is running safely and reliably.

2. Maintain a GPS System

Ensuring your business has an accurate GPS system can make operating a fleet more efficient and cost-effective. Investing in a good digital record system helps to streamline business management and reduce a fleet manager’s workload. A fleet management system works by tracking the location and status of vehicles in a fleet and then creating metrics that can help fleet managers make informed, data-driven decisions. This data informs decisions ranging from safety concerns and driver training to vehicle upkeep and route selection. Digital record systems streamline the data collection process and could improve fleet operations across the board.

3. Provide Outstanding Driver Benefits

Effective fleet management goes beyond maintaining vehicles; it also involves offering excellent benefits to drivers. Companies that provide benefits above the industry standard attract top-tier drivers. Key benefits include upgraded vehicle interiors, uniforms, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), and creating a driver-friendly work environment. Businesses that offer perks and benefits that stand out from their competition will attract the best possible drivers which will become an asset to the business.

4. Keep Track of Fleet Metrics

Fleet metrics are essential for gaining insights into vehicle performance. Tracking the cost per mile and the total cost of ownership of the vehicle allows fleet managers to understand the overall costs associated with vehicles in the fleet. Additionally, tracking individual vehicles’ pass/fail rate and inspection completion rate keeps fleet managers aware of any reoccurring issues. Without crucial metrics and data points it is difficult to oversee driver training, vehicle acquisition maintenance, fuel management, route training, and more required for effective fleet management.

5. Achieving Fuel Efficiency

As environmental regulations evolve, it’s crucial to remain proactive and up-to-date with the newest requirements. This requires strictly following emission standards and ensuring your fleet is fuel efficient. A class 8-semi truck is considered fuel-efficient when it has an average mile per gallon rate higher than 6.5 mpg. Utilizing renewable diesel is one way to help achieve fuel-efficiency as it can enhance mileage efficiency and promote cleaner engine performance. Adopting renewable diesel helps make the fleet more environmentally responsible and economically viable.

At Sprague, we employ all five strategies and more to optimize our fleet management. We maintain a rigorous maintenance schedule, staying ahead of manufacturer requirements. Our competitive driver benefits attract a steady stream of top applicants. These strategies collectively set Sprague apart as a leading energy partner. Contact us today to see the array of fuel and fleet management capabilities that Sprague has to offer.

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