Privacy Policy

Thank you for visiting the Kildair Operating Resources LLC ("Kildair") website.  Like all online resources, we recognize that visitors to this website are concerned about their privacy.
When visiting this Site Kildair, via third party vendors, automatically collects and stores the following information about your visit:

  • The Internet Protocol address and domain name of your Internet service provider. The Internet Protocol address is a numerical identifier assigned either to your Internet service provider or directly to your computer, which can be used to direct Internet traffic to you;
  • The type of browser and operating system you used;
  • The date and time you visited this Site;
  • The time you spent on the Site;
  • The web pages or services you accessed at this Site;
  • The time you spent on the web pages; and
  • The URL or website address of the website you visited prior to coming to this Site and from which any web page on this Site was linked.

This information is used to improve this Site’s content and to help Kildair understand how people are using this Site. This information is collected for statistical analysis, to determine what information is of most and of least interest to our visitors, and to identify system performance or problem areas. Kildair does not sell or distribute the information collected from this Site for commercial marketing purposes.

If during your visit to this Site you contact Kildair directly through the Site or via email, your email address and the contents of your email will be collected. Your email address and the information contained in your email will be used to respond to you, to address issues you identify, to further improve this website, or to forward your email to Kildair personnel for appropriate action. Kildair does not sell or distribute your email address for commercial marketing purposes.

"Personal information" is information about an identifiable individual (e.g. an individual's name, address, and phone number).    Kildair does not knowingly collect personal information from children.

Information collected through this website, personal or otherwise, may, be subject to disclosure as required or permitted by law.  Additionally, Kildair may disclose personal information  in response to a search warrant to other legally valid inquiry or order, or to another organization for the purposes of investigating a breach of an agreement or contravention of law or detecting, suppressing or preventing fraud, or as otherwise may be required or permitted by applicable U.S., Canadian or other law or legal process, which may include lawful access by foreign courts, law enforcement or other government authorities. Your personal information may also be disclosed where necessary for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims and to investigate or prevent actual or suspected loss or harm to persons or property.

Kildair may also transfer any information we have about you as an asset in connection with a proposed or completed merger, acquisition or sale (including transfers made as part of insolvency or bankruptcy proceedings) involving all or part of Kildair Operating Resources LLC or as part of a corporate reorganization or other change in corporate control.
Kildair limits employee access to personally identifiable information from this website to only those employees who need access to perform a specific job.  Security measures have been integrated into the design, implementation, and day-to-day operations of this Site as part of our continuing commitment to the security of electronic content as well as the electronic transmission of information.

This Site is designed to become your personalized access to Kildair, where you decide what information is important to you, and create your own unique Kildair experience.  This ability to customize this Site is achieved through the use of cookies, which are simple text files stored by your web browser that provide a method of distinguishing among visitors to websites.  Cookies created on the device you use to access this Site do not contain personally identifiable information and do not compromise your privacy or security. We use the cookie feature to store a randomly generated identifying tag on the device you use to access this Site.  The use of cookies is a standard practice among Internet websites. Most browsers are initially set up to accept cookies. You can reset your browser to refuse all cookies or to indicate when a cookie is being sent.  Be aware, however, that some parts of the Kildair Site may not function properly if you refuse cookies.

In order to provide visitors with certain information, this Site may provide links to websites of other organizations.  A link does not constitute an endorsement of the content, viewpoint, accuracy, opinions, policies, products, services, or accessibility of that website. Once you link to another website from this website, you are subject to the terms and conditions of that website, including, but not limited to, its privacy policy.

Subject to applicable law, you have the right to access, update and correct inaccuracies in your personal information in Kildair’s custody or control. You may request access, updating and corrections of inaccuracies in your personal information in our custody or control by emailing or writing to us at the contact information set out below. We may request certain personal information for the purpose of verifying the identity of the individual seeking access to his or her personal information records.

For questions regarding this Privacy policy or the manner in which we or our service providers treat your personal information, please contact Paul Scoff, Esquire, General Counsel, Sprague Resources LP., 185 International Drive, Portsmouth, NH, 03801, USA.